Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Schwans Fundraiser (Meeting 10/23 @ 7:15) - Top Seller = Free Retreat at IPOINT

Over the last two years we held a fundraiser through Schwans and the first year we earned 15% profit and then last year we reached the 20% profit mark. This year, they have changed the format and made the process almost all online which streamlines how things get done. They also guarantee us 20% regardless of the sales marks we make.

If families willing to participate, there will be multiple ways to ask people to support your students
-                Via email
-                Via Social Media
-                In person 

Here are the steps to do this fundraiser

Step 1. - In order to do any this fundraiser students and parents will need to take the first steps online to get things set up. 

Go to http://schwans.flipgive.com/campaigns/2608-word-of-life-youth-group-and-mexico-mission-trip/ and click the "JOIN NOW" tab and then begin the process of setting up an account.....Once you have an account, I then approve the account and beginning on 10/23 you will have a 45 day window to point people to place orders through Schwan's and our fundraising campaign. During that time, your account will be credited 20% for every purchase and 40% on the electronic gift certificates. We will be having a brief meeting on 10/23 to go over details at 7:15 in the youth room.

Step 2. – Come to the meeting on 10/23 at 7:15 for 15 minutes. At this meeting we will go over the details and give out a paper version for people to give away.

Step 3. – On 10/24 I will send out an email with text that can be used digitally. Then over the next 45 days we will track your sales.

The top seller will receive one paid camp registration for either Confirmation Camp in March or Sr High Winter Weekend in February


PS – if you sell an E-certificate you will earn 40% on that sale.  There is a restriction of 1 e-certificate sold per email

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