Wednesday, September 4, 2013

High School Bible Study (different than youth group and Sunday School)


Do You Have What it Takes?
Many Christians fear what people would think if they stood up for Truth. It is tempting to simply blend in with the crowd and keep silent. The risk of being rejected or alone for speaking up seems far too great.
In these four inspiring sessions, Francis Chan opens up the Scriptures and shows students how their faith in Christ can give them the ability to live lives defined by

A Senior High Bible Study following Francis Chan’s Courage series will be starting at 6pm on October 13th at the McGraw house. Join us as we are   God’s Word the life we are called to as followers of Christ— a life of courage.
taking a deeper look at our call as Christians to Stand Alone, Stand Firm, Stand Out, and Stand Tall. This is an opportunity for us to gather together and discover from

Please pray about this opportunity and, if you feel the Spirit’s prompting, don’t pass it up! Meeting times and location(s) will depend on your schedules, but there are 4 sessions which we will go through throughout the next four months. You can text (612-300-1734), Facebook message, or just talk to me in person if you are interested or if you have any questions. I’m excited to see what God will do J  -Lauren McGraw

Francis Chan is the best-selling author of books, Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell and the host of the BASIC series (Who is God & We Are Church). He is the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, and the founder of Eternity Bible College. Currently, Francis is working to start a church planting movement in the inner city of San Francisco and also working to launch a countrywide discipleship movement. Francis now lives in Northern California with his wife, Lisa, and their five children.

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